This program is for those who feel alone in bulimia recovery... can't control themselves around bread... Who mirror checks 20 times a day... This page is going to change that forever.

Bulimia Breakup Program


Why I Created the Program

After battling with bulimia for 4+ years and struggling with dieting and weight obsession for much longer, I saw how crippling it was in my own life. I never want anyone to feel that way again. That's why I've poured my heart and soul into this course to make sure your journey is shorter and not as painful as mine. Additionally, I wanted to provide an affordable resource to those not able to pay for private coaching and treatments. Money should not be a barrier to sanity.


"I honestly didn't think it was possible for me to ever fully recover so I stopped even wanting it for myself. I cannot believe how much has changed and that now I'm not just contemplating recovery, I'm working towards it. Thinking about how I accidentally stumbled across Jacqueline's IG and then joined this community has made me tear up a couple of times this month because I am beyond grateful. All of you have helped and inspired me so so much."

Group Member

Everything Inside The Program

Group Coaching

If you're like most people, you sometimes need the guidance and support of others to keep you on track. That's what group coaching does. Each week you will have the oppurtunity to get coached, directly by me, and discuss anything under the sun of bulima recovery to help keep you unstuck. If you can’t make it live, which is at 10am ET on Sundays, you can always listen to the replays.

Video Modules

The course includes over 60 video modules recorded by me, taking you through the exact journey I went through to recovery and sharing with you all the secrets I learned through working with others. These modules alone will give you the information you need to recover from bulimia and eat like a freaking normal person.

Support Community

This course offers a private Facebook community of people who GET IT. They are either in recovery or they have recovered. Surrouding yourself with people who are on the same journey as you is vital to success. This community is a must use resource.

Monthly Content

Each month we focus on an overall topic together that will help you in your journey. No matter where you are in your journey these topics will help you think and focus at a deeper level than you were before and keep you constantly evolving in your recovery journey. (even after you're done with bulimia!)

Private Podcast

Weekly I'll give you extra pieces of wisdom, encouragement, and summaries of our group coaching to further support you between calls and events... All delivered conveniently to your phone!

"I feel a light has been switched on and all the awful things that made me want to stay with bulimia have gone. I cannot believe it is over. Your course is amazing and really has saved my life. I no longer obsess about food, or have any urge to binge or want to fill a void with it. I have almost a normal relationship with it. Now that the habit has gone it truly doesn't even enter my brain. And all the negativity has gone with it."

Group Member

Imagine a world where you didn't wake up immediately think about food... Where you could simply come home and watch tv instead of raid your fridge... Without using every ounce of little willpower you have. That world is REAL and my course teaches you the skills you need to make it real for you.

"I wanted to thank you so much for everything you do for all of us. I am currently 93 days without binging and purging and it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't created this course and content. I have no words for the amount of gratitude I have for this."

Group Member

Frequently Asked Questions

Everything included in the Binge Breakers recovery course (monthly access to the video module course, workshops, and weekly lives + content inside the FB support community) PLUS weekly group coaching AND private podcast access. 

This course is not medical treatment or advice and is not a replacement for medical treatment, therapy, or counseling. 

Many people who join this course take it alongside their treatment and/or therapy as extra support. If you are unsure if you need more advanced treatment or not please seek medical advice from your doctor.

Coaching is just a targeted conversation. You'll tell me a bit about what you're struggling with and I'll ask you some questions. This conversation will help bring to light what may be holding you back in recovery. All calls will be held in zoom on a webinar format where I bring one person on at a time to be coached. 

Even if you can't attend live you can always watch the replays which will be stored both in the course and broadcasted to the Group's private podcast.

YES! This course shows you the exact skills and tools I used to recover and they can help you too. The information and support is there. It can certainly help you recover and move on.

There are over 60+ lessons in the course. Some are short bite sized videos and some are longer. You can feel free to listen to me on 2x speed and since this course is made on Kajabi you can download it to your phone through the Kajabi app.

You can cancel anytime. Please cancel 24 hours before your membership renews so you will not be charged for another month. You can cancel by emailing me at [email protected]

Yes. You can request a refund for up to 7 days. 7 days after your purchase refunds are no longer permitted. 

Nope! You can stay for as long or as little as you'd like.

This course is mainly for people struggling with binging and purging. They feel out of control when it comes to their diet and binging cycle. 

If you struggle with binging this course will help you. 

If you struggle with just purging and restriction this course will still offer you plenty of helpful tools that are applicable to you, but may not be perfectly tailored towards you. 

Every Sunday at 10am ET. Occasionally they will be at a different time and day to accommodate holidays or travel. If this is the case you will be notified by email at least one week in advance.

You Can Live a Life Where You Aren't Thinking About Food 24/7

Ways to Work With Me

Bulimia Breakup Group Program



Weekly Group Coaching

Video Module Course

Weekly Private Podcast

Bonus Workshops

Private FB Community

Weekly Live FB Q&A’s




 Weekly 1:1 Zoom Calls

24/7 Text & Voice Support

Weekly Group Coaching

Video Module Course

Weekly Private Podcast

Bonus Workshops

Private FB Community

Cost Information Available Upon Request


Use code “10OFF” for $10 off your first month at checkout.


50% Complete

Two Step

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