Recover From Bulimia

Wanting to end things with bulimia for good? Awesome. Hit the button below to book a consult. Weā€™ll chat, see if weā€™re a good fit and if thereā€™s availability, weā€™ll get started!

Frequently Asked Questions

My recovery coaching program lasts 6 months. We meet weekly on zoom. On each call, we’ll dive into exactly what problems you’re facing now in recovery. We’ll discover what’s keeping you stuck, develop new strategies, and have you try those out week to week. After each call, I’ll send you a detailed review of our session along with goals. You’ll have text access to me if you need help throughout the week.

You’ll also have the help of my group coaching program which includes weekly group calls, an extensive course, a private podcast, and a Facebook community. Clients love it and find it useful to have during the process.

The 2 biggest benefits of coaching are it helps you understand exactly what the issue is with clarity and it helps you dedicate time and energy towards changing it with clear strategies. Coaching also keeps you moving on those rough weeks you might otherwise throw in the towel.

 I also think having someone with an outside perspective come into a messy situation and help you stay on track is beyond valuable. That’s what a coach does. They are your lifesaver when you’re drowning in confusion and hopelessness.

This is such a personal question. It depends. If you like my podcast you’ll likely get along with me. If that’s the case, coaching with me will probably be a good fit for you.

The only reasons I say no to working with people are the following:

I fear their health may be at risk if they proceed without medical supervision. In this case, I advise them to seek medical care before continuing on their recovery journey. Once they have been assessed by a medical professional we understand what they are and aren’t capable of, we can know how to move forward. In this case, the client may need to participate in in-patient or outpatient care temporarily before starting coaching with me. Sometimes they just need partial medical supervision while also working with me. If you are unsure about this, please contact me at [email protected]. I can send you a list of questions I normally need from your doctor to determine whether we are a safe fit.  

Outside of this, the only other reason I won’t work with someone is that I fear they aren’t in the right head space to work with me. I believe everyone can recover. However, I also believe not everyone is ready to recover, or at least not ready to recover with me. If I feel this is the case on the call I will tell you and we can discuss what you feel you need to be ready or what type of recovery assistance you feel you need instead of my program.

And sometimes, I’m not a good fit for people. Sometimes personalities just don’t mesh right? If this is the case, feel free to tell me on the call. It won’t hurt my feelings!

About 85%. I am still perfecting my system for gathering this data, but right now this number is based on whether or not clients feel recovered after working with me. Of those that don’t recover during the time they worked with me, it’s usually because they needed more time or needed to resolve things outside of what coaching can offer. For example, some clients need additional medical care and medication outside of coaching. Most clients that have not recovered under my watch, but have gone on to continue pursuing answers and medical guidance have made a full recovery a year post working with me.

I’m available to work with anyone who is 18 years and older and is struggling with bulimia. However, the most typical clients I work with are women in their 30s to 50s who struggle with binging and purging. They also tend to work incredibly hard in all aspects of their life, such as their job, raising kids, and their relationships. But they struggle to make time for themselves and relax. I usually help them create more of a balance, understand how to eat food in moderation, and stop the ritual of binging and purging.

That being said I’ve worked with many different people from all over the world.

If this is the case I’m happy to work with your healthcare team. You can give them my email: [email protected]. Or you can give me their contact information and I will send them information about what we are working on and ask them what they think is advisable and what may be too much for you at the moment. This way we won’t be giving you conflicting advice and give you the most streamlined recovery process ever!

Please note I am not a doctor, licensed therapist, or medical professional. I’m a certified nutrition coach. I cannot diagnose medical conditions or offer treatment suggestions. I help people with their mindset and behaviors surrounding food. With this being the case, if you have life-threatening conditions or mental/physical conditions that need medical treatment, it’s advised you seek it from a medical health professional.

If this is the case I’m happy to work with your healthcare team. You can give them my email: [email protected]. Or you can give me their contact information and I will send them information about what we are working on and ask them what they think is advisable and what may be too much for you at the moment. This way we won’t be giving you conflicting advice and give you the most streamlined recovery process ever!

As of right now, my program is not covered by insurance. You can still ask your health insurance company as sometimes they will cover coaching programs for special circumstances.

Please send them this page and have them fill out an application. You can even fill out the application with them. It’s important that they know and are on board. I cannot help someone who does not want to recover or does not want to recover with me. It’s also important that we meet each other before we commit to working together.

At this time I do not work with those that are younger than 18.

The total cost of my 6-month program is $4800. Clients either pay in 2 partial payments or in full. I offer 10% discounts to those who pay in full. 

Is this too expensive for you? I completely understand. That’s why my group coaching program is only $60 per month. I focus on making that program the most high-quality, affordable, recovery program available that includes weekly group coaching directly from me. You can find this here:

Both programs are great and people can recover using either program. If you have trouble being self-accountable, private coaching may be better for you. Private coaching is something everyone should try in their life as it is a very intensive, life-changing experience. However, the group also offers benefits such as seeing others go through the recovery process. All private coaching clients get access to my group program, so if you’re wanting to do both, don’t worry you won’t have to choose.

Give them my email at [email protected]

Happy to discuss with them what I do and how I can best serve you while not contradicting their care. 

Exciting! If we’re a good fit and I have availability, we’ll pick a time to meet regularly each week. Within 24 hours of the call, I’ll send you a welcome email, a contract to review and sign, and a calendar invite to our weekly appointment. The welcome email will include journal questions and a plan for what we need to work on immediately.

Lastly, you’ll just need to make your first payment before our first call. Once you make the payment you’ll have access to my group coaching portal. 

Then we’ll get started!

Listen To Client Stories First Hand

Iā€™ve had several brave clients on my podcast. You can listen to their stories here.


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